Category Archives: Wholesalers, Non-Durable

Cut Flower Wholesalers and Agricultural Wholesalers are faced with a product whose life span is in days and that requires specialized software. ProTrac has a Software Package that is aimed specifically at the Non Durable marketplace.

Cut Flower and New Tech

clip_image002 To : Cut Flower Wholesalers looking to replace old Technology From : Mel Carney 800 - 711- 7374 Date : June 10, 2014 Topic : The History of PDSI and the Cut.

Hello Distributors!

Welcome to the PDSI Website. We are looking forward to sharing our years of wholesale distribution experience with you.

Our Blog is Categorized into Five Different Categories


Processing with 3 New Technologies

We have integrated the following new and exciting features into our ProTrac software. These features have already been completed and are a part of our ProTrac offering. (more…).