Financial Reporting Modules
Innovative Software Solutions for small to Mid-sized Hard Goods Distributors including General Ledger, Accounts Payable, and Accounts Receivable.
We understand that customer satisfaction is the top priority of your business. With ProTrac™ you will have the information that you need to provide efficient, timely and cost effective service to keep your customers happy and coming back.
General Ledger
With the General Ledger module, you get complete, and timely financial information crucial to managing a successful business operation.
General Ledger provides you with an audit trail (journal) of transactional postings, that have been made from other modules, thus providing you with “up-to-the-minute” accuracy for financial reports.
Some of the powerful General Ledger features:
- Access to Customers by User
- Access to Supplier by User
- Generally it is flexible enough to maintain your current scheme on G/L Accts numbering
- Extensive History
- Detailed information for current and previous years by G/L Period
- Balance Sheet Generation
- Flexible Accounting Close
- Fiscal and Calendar Capabilities
- Spreadsheet Integration
- Detail G/L Journal Entry Report
- G/L Account Listing
- G/L Posting Report
- G/L Recurring Journal Entry List
- G/L Trial Balance
- Income Statement Generation
- Simple G/L Journal Entry Report
- Trial Balance Report
Accounts Payable
In the ProTrac™ Software, the Accounts Payable module is designed to minimize your workload by reducing double postings. It manages this through its complete integration to other modules like Inventory, Purchase Orders and General Ledger.
It maximizes your ability to manage, by providing you with a wide array of inquiries and management reports that present cash flow projections and aging breakdowns that are so necessary to make informed and important decisions.
The Accounts Payable module simplifies the process of invoice entry, by automating the calculation of term discounts, invoice due dates, and proper distribution of invoice amounts into the different categories of expenses and/or assets on to the General Ledger.
Please take a look at the A/P Module’s detailed features:
- Easy Vendor Maintenance Screen(s)
- A/P Checks by Supplier Report
- Scanning/Document Imaging
- A/P Expense Report
- Powerful Search Capabilities
- True Windows Flexibility
- A/P Posting to G/L
- Invoice and Payment History
- A/P Purchase Journal
- Automated A/P-G/L expense and disbursement information
- Open Item Display-with Drill down capability
- Different Check Remit-to Address
- Suppliers Ranking Inquiry Feature
- Remarks and Notes fields
- Separate Supplier’s Information Record
- Check Re-printing
- Transactions (Previous Operation) Audit Trail
Accounts Receivable
We understand that customer satisfaction is the top priority of your business. With ProTrac™ you will have the information that you need to provide efficient, timely and cost effective service to keep your customers happy and coming back.
Our accounts receivable module will let you accomplish these goals, and much more… Fast, informative and accurate inquiries by account, provides all required information at your fingertips.
Take a look at some of the features and benefits of the accounts receivables module:
- Terms discounts
- Credit Analysis
- Easy processing of payments on invoices from oldest to most current
- Credit hold and point of sale lockout
- Billing and order contact Information
- Summary of sales history; current period, last period, YTD, last YTD, sales, returns, net and gross margins
- Quantity breaks discounts by customer, product line and item number
- Post payments manually, by invoice or multi-invoice selection
- Crucial information on a customer by customer basis:
- Previous Item purchase history
- Flexible, defined pricing structure
- Multiple ship-to addresses
- Multiple tax rates
- Multiple, user defined notes or comments areas